He holds the office of the Vice Rector (Ecuador) of THE UNIPASS. He is a seasoned professor of Jurisprude犀利士 nce, criminalistics and criminology. He has done Bachelor of Legal, Social and Political Scien必利勁 ces, Doctor of Jurisprudence, Diploma in Forensic Graphology (Instituto Superior Emerson. Argentina), International Diploma in Traffic Accidents, Expertise and Reconstruction of Violent Deaths (UIF of Colombia), International Diploma in Criminalistics, Criminology and Forensics, Forensic Topography, Photography and Forensic Videography, Forensic Expertise and Digital Animation, Postgraduate Specialization in Economic Criminal Law and orgainsed Criminality (University of Castilla la Mancha – Spain), Master in Criminal Law and Criminology. He is a qualified mediator, specialist in criminal law and 犀利士5mg indegenous jutice and university teaching specialist. He is also a lawyer of the courts of Justice of Ecuador.
Dr. Salamea Carpio Diego Roberto