Abuso De Autoridad Y Violación A Los Derechos Fundamentales Para La Migración Entre Fronteras De México.

[infobox size=12 icon=none000 type=none width=100% bgcolor=#FEF6D2 bordercolor=#FFD300 color=#444444 size=12 border=full style=square ]About Author: Dr. Blanca Estela Gomez Torres is the Vice rector (Mexico) of The National University of Penal, Administrative and Security Sciences. She did her doctorate in Criminalistics from The UNIPASS. She is a practicing lawyer and expert in documentoscopy and human rights.[/infobox]


Criminología y Derechos Humanos.

No existe hasta el día de hoy un Órgano Institucional capaz de Resguardar y proteger los Derechos Fundamentales del Hombre, “Los Derechos Humanos” por cierto muy de moda pero sin acción alguna, no hay protección ni en Gobernados y más aún de los desfavorecidos migrantes sudamericanos y centroamericanos que en su travesía encuentran dolor en el cuerpo pero también en el alma que deja marcas y cicatriz en el pensamiento con señales de por vida, ese olor que se respira a muerte a incertidumbre y deseo de subsistir apenas con lo básico, algunos con la fé de rencontrarse con su familia que ya se encuentra en Estados Unidos o la frontera Norte de México, cruzar el puente incosteable para muchos que encuentran la misma Muerte y el descanso paradójicamente hablando. En el año 2010, el Instituto Nacional de Migración expulsó del país 4,815 menores de edad y para Marzo del año 2016 la cifra aumentó a 6984, éstos niños en la mejor de las suertes regresarán a casa, el tema principal es la corrupción y el caldo de cultivo que genera para la criminalidad y la delincuencia organizada en todas sus modalidades, al ser menores desfavorecidos son vulnerables más aún que viajan solos en territorio Méxicano, las modalidades son explotación sexual, servidumbre y trabajos forzados, secuestro entre otros, visiblente al alcance de nuestras autoridades Municipales y de provincia, Estatales y Federales, en éste articulo no hablaremos más de la victimización que ya todos sabemos, hoy quiero hacer del conocimiento de nuestros lectores lo que me atañe es la forma de cuantificar un daño en un delíto de crímen  hablando de explotación sexual en menores y además para un punto de vista internacional de mayor trascendencia el hecho de la vulnerabilidad en el que se encuentra un pequeño fuera de casa en un territorio en el que se imposibilita más aún pedir el auxilio,de la repercusión en la conducta que tienen los migrantes en la zona sur ante los abusos y violaciones por la misma autoridad, el resentimiento y enojo que causa socialmente desde lo micro a lo macro, y la migración que alcanza a llegar a los Estados Unidos y es deportada y se encuentra en la frontera Norte, por supuesto que hay consecuencias, no quiero decir que todos se hacen criminales o delincuentes pero ésta materia de estudio nos ha llevado a la investigación de la mutación de la conducta en los migrantes menos favorecidos algunos liderando bandas organizadas de los mismos delitos en los que ellos en algún momento de la travesía fueron victimas iniciales, yo les llamo ahora víctimas sociales, en la zona sur primer filtro para ingresar a México el lugar idóneo para vender y explotar menores para servidumbre y en antros o casas de prostitución, común ver a los niños vendiendo dulces en la calle o tabaco, pero si se les pregunta si son “ canguritos “ ellos ya saben se tratará de servicio sexual,

zona plenamente identificada, actualmente existen casas en donde hay menores en modalidad de esclavitud sexual, y servidumbre.. el callejón DANUBIO por ejemplo que es en donde se encuentran los “canguritos”. se encuentra a unas calles del edificio de Gobierno de Tapachula, también frente a a plaza central del gobierno, ( éstas líneas entre paréntesis fueron tomadas de BBC Mundo de la publicación de miercoles 19 de junio 2013/ 20:51. Un vocero del ayuntamiento de tapachula que pidió no ser identificado dijo a BBC Mundo que varios policias han sido sancionados, aunque también recordó que los trabajadores sexuales violan los Reglamentos Locales).

Esa es la historia y no la victimización subjetiva la falta de capacidad de la autoridad para CONSIGNAR como delitos graves y no solo una sanción cuando es la autoridad quien debe poner el ejemplo de justicia y respeto, al mismo tiempo de proteger, El Estado Mexicano ha fallado en su deber de proteger a los migrantes en tránsito ha sido OMISO en mantenerles seguridad, no hay medidas de políticas públicas encaminadas a la prevención del Delito por situaciones de migración, y podríamos mencionar así muchas autoridades con nombre y apellidos que se encuentran involucrados en los actos criminales y operan como bandas estructuradas intocables en su poder, el tema que nos atañe con esta injusticia la criminalidad y delincuencia hace algunos meses escribimos de la frontera sur , modificaciones de conducta en los hijos de las madres migrantes que quedan varadas en la frontera, la explotación laboral a la que son sometidas ,hijos de todos pero con el alcance de hijos de nadie así están creando nuevas generaciones, hijos producto de violaciones o de malas experiencias refieren ellas, que hay de esos críos que tienen que pasarla solos toda la jornada de trabajo de la madre solo con ayuda tal vez de alguna vecina y a mirar solo a través de una ventana de serle posible, que hay de esos grupos de niños?, tienen escuelas cercanas?, a la autoridad le interesan esos niños y jóvenes ?. recordemos la vulnerabilidad de las mujeres en esa zona “ LAS MUERTAS DE JUÁREZ”, pasado el tiempo tenemos niños a muy corta edad 11 años que planifican un secuestro y torturan a un pequeñito formando un grupo de estrategia niños de primaria, ese señores es nuestro campo de Estudio y preocupación, Cuando existen Extremas Violaciones a los Derechos Fundamentales, corrupción aunado a la INJUSTICIA , es decir no tener la confianza con la Autoridad para denunciar algún delito más aún TEMERLE si para nosotros existe Criminología Contemporánea y la individualización o focalización de área, delitos modalidades, entonces deberá actualizarse el sistema de aplicación EN JUSTICIA PENAL, y no hacer un refrito generalizado y aplicable de igual manera por que está de moda el sistema de justicia oral, sin preveer que no contando con las condiciones necesarias para que éste se lleve acabo de manera efectiva pues nuevamente los delincuentes y criminales tendrán oportunidad de buscar un error en el procedimiento absolviendo como no culpables en la mayoría de los casos, que está sucediendo actualmente y reincidir por lo que a mayor injusticia mayor criminalidad, cada vez los menores nacidos, o deportados en éstas fronteras aprenden algunos de forma productiva y otros tantos el avance en la delincuencia.

Ahora bién tenemos mas tarea de la que imaginamos con el nuevo presidente de los EU, TRUMP, empezará a expulsar a los inmigrantes y todos seguramente en el mayor de los casos caerán a México frontera Norte, habrá nueva mutación en la modalidad de Delitos? Por su puesto que si como es posible que hablamos siempre de DERECHO y actualizaciones y modificaciones, pero hablamos de la aplicación Real , hablamos de la funcionalidad ?  si fuese así no sería tan grande el crecimiento de delincuencia ? Asignatura aún pendiente en el derecho Internacional, autoridad de instituto de migración o de seguridad pública o de desarrollo para la familia, en toda  frontera de cualquier Estado, cuando se encuentra involucrada en delitos en contra de migrantes, ¿debería entonces los servidores públicos así se llame la autoridad máxima o subordinados  a tener un juicio ejemplar como medida de seguridad en la prevención?. En resumen la ley debe ser proporcional al delíto en condiciones focalizadas al área geográficamente hablando, toda vez que las condiciones sociales de desigualdad crean modalidades y mutaciones día a día  en la conducta delictiva. el Estado debe responder ante la criminalidad y delincuencia  pues si no aplican medidas de prevención anunciadas y promovidas en cada campaña política para obtener popularidad y votos, entonces están fallando y debe son co-rresponsables y así asumir las consecuencias de la descomposición del tejido social en aumento.

Para comentarios, me pueden escribir a mi email vicerector.mexico@pass.university o   blagoto@hottmail.com

Todos los derechos de Cesión y transmisión para, The UNIPASS, ONG CONCRIMS ( y todas las Universidades afiliadas a CONCRIMS sin fines de lucro) UCC, de CUENCA en Ecuador, Y ESDP, (ESCOLA SUPERIOR DE DIREITO PUBLICO).




“Implication Of Replicated Branded Cosmetic Products On Consumer”

[infobox size=12 icon=none000 type=none width=100% bgcolor=#FEF6D2 bordercolor=#FFD300 color=#444444 size=12 border=full style=square ]About Author: Noorulain Ansari is the student of Bachelor in Textile Designing (Hons) from Asian Institute of Fashion Designing (Iqra University, Karachi, Pakistan). This paper was written as her research work.[/infobox]

“Implication Of Replicated Branded Cosmetic Products On Consumer”

Table of Contents
1.1. Overview
1.2. Research Objectives
1.3. Research Questions
1.4. Research Problems
1.5. Rationale of Study
1.6. Focus of the Research
2.1. Social Media – the new world of selling
3.2. Dimensions of Research
3.3. Time Orientation
3.4. Data Collection
3.5. Sample Split
3.6. Data Reliability
3.7. Data Analysis

1.1. Overview
As the beauty and cosmetics industry continues its global growth sprout, there is more of everything, more of competition from new entrants in luxury and mass prestige, more distribution channels, replication of brands and more customer touch points. While similar issues are plaguing most other industries, beauty is different. As quoted by different people that the time has now passed when consumers were in fact intrigued by the brand alone. Luxury and mass market cosmetic products are known to be endorsed with celebrities to promote and enhance their usage and awareness in the eyes of the consumers making them like and be aware of the different products present in the market as well (Hill and Lee, 2012). But since the cost and pricing strategies for these brand are quite high, the concept of replicated brands have come about.
A replicated brand is one in which the name of the brand remains the same however the quality of the product being offered by it a lipstick or a liner is not at par with that of the quality of the actual brand at hand. Replicated brands in essence have the same packing and printing, same ingredients mentioned along with the same shape of the product container other than the fact that the material applied is clearly B grade comparatively. It can be said that in today’s day and age there are two kinds of consumers present in the market. The first type are loyalists who stick to their preferred brands and do not deviate from them no matter what. The others are inept users. For them the name of the brand doesn’t matter as long and the product is present in the color or fragrance of their preference and liking (Priest, 2005). These sort of consumers are in fact the ones targeted for sales of replicated brands for they may be aware of the brand name but may not be willing to pay the higher actual cost for this (Kapner, 2008).
The social media is the key grounds where these products are sold in bulk. Different online deals can be seen on varying online selling pages that specific and highly different deals of all replicated products. Key products that are seen being sold online are under the name of Lo’real, Maybelline and Lancome to name a few.
1.2. Research Objectives
The objective of this research is to highlight the following:
1. To identify the market for replicated cosmetic products and their usage of the same
2. To evaluate the impact that replicated cosmetic products have on the overall consumer market
3. To evaluate how social media can be used to promote replicated brands online
4. To comprehend the future market of replicated brands in comparison to authentic ones.
1.3. Research Questions
The research questions noted for this study are noted to be as follows:
1. What is the market for replicated cosmetic products and their usage of the same?
2.What degree of impact do replicated cosmetic products have on the overall consumer market?
3. How can social media be used to promote replicated brands online?
4. What is the future market of replicated brands in comparison to authentic ones?
1.4. Research Problems
Cosmetic brands are such that they will never lose essence in the market even when the market is saturated and well settled. However over the past few years with the increase in prices for expensive branded products, replication of different brands have taken place so that different classes can afford the same. With this research we need to understand how consumers respond to replicated cosmetic brands along with how social media has added to the growth of these brands and their sales as well.
1.5. Rationale of Study
The rationale behind this study is to understand and evaluate the market for replicated products and how in totality have these second grade products taken over the actual main brand. It also looks at the world of social media that is very well the key base of promoting these products and is the main source from where they are sold as well.
1.6. Focus of the Research
The focus of research is mainly replicated products and the attraction that they hold for consumers when they go to purchase cosmetics as per their need. It thus gives an outlook of the world of social networks that is the main source of sales and revenue generation for the same.
2.1. Social Media – the new world of selling

Social Media is like an online arena that allows different people and companies across the global to intermingle and apply this facility for reaching out to their target audience regarding various purposes. Social media has expanded over the past few years and has grown into a gigantic field where different companies try to stake their claims for gaining more business and revenue. Within this domain, different activities and functions exist that emphasize the essence of this medium (Kollmuss and Agyeman, 2002). Some of these mediums are Social Networks (Facebook), Blogging (e-blogger, Twitter), Media sharing (YouTube), User Generated content (amazon.com) etc.
Different businesses are seen campaigning online and trying to get one on one consumer insights for different products/services or generating new ideas for advertising them as well. So these mediums within the umbrella of social media, allow many competitors to get involved so that they can challenge each other for new and improved concepts (Shaw, et. al., 2007). These competitors are namely top multinationals, artists, celebrities’ even schools and colleges who compete with each other to gain a share of their required target audience’s attention.
The increasing flow of blogs and tweets, key social networks and different media sharing sites have also created an impact on the more traditional ways of advertising (Television, Print and radio). Within Pakistan, the steady growth of Social Media on the face of the advertising front has led many to believe that it shall soon take over the traditional methods. This is because companies are beginning to realize that social media, as a base for advertising, offers not only convenience but also cost effectiveness and the ability to gain feedback (e.g. through blogs) right away rather than waiting for results to be projected as compared to the traditional ways (Shen, et. al., 2012).
However, with the application of this forum, it is noted that there are many issues present the most prevailing of which is that individuals are rapidly accepting and applying the world of “digitization” and “social media” especially where branded goods are concerned, however this is also given an avenue of replicated brands to be sold on this forum as well. These brands are noted to present attractive packages, color combinations and price deals that consumers without having an actual desire for that product may end up making the purchase for the same as well (Thompson and Coskuner-Balli, 2007). Replicated brands have grown within the masses to a great extreme. It has been promoted just as the authentic brand itself however it is a well known point that the brands are indeed replicated to the point of being called fake as well.
The research methodology that is applied for this research is based on both Qualitative and Quantitative study so as to quantify the statements that shall be generated from the consumers during the open ended questionnaire session. The data shall be present evaluated in tables and charts to highlight the key insights and observations that that be gained from both the research procedures to be applied.
3.2. Dimensions of Research
The research shall be carried out in the form of a causal comparative research study as it needs to evaluate the relation between the actual and replicated cosmetic brands and how they tend to create a perception of worth in the minds of the consumers at hand.
3.3. Time Orientation
This is typically a onetime study and so it is going to take place in a specified time frame only. This can be justified with the fact that the research is in part to be done with a particular sample set that shall not be used at a later time or date.
3.4. Data Collection
Data Collection for this research has been done with the aid of both open and close ended questionnaires that shall be sharing consumer responses that shall lead to insight generation to be presented in the form of tables and graphs.
3.5. Sample Split
The target population for this research is based on a sample of students belonging to AIFD. It shall be targeted to females and hence will be female centric only. The sample size for the same has been taken in at 250 respondents. This is a clear cut sample that tends to give a fair outlook of the target market sampled. It will get a fair and un biased result for the research with insights that will be relevant to the study and will support it for further research if needed.
3.6. Data Reliability
Authentication of Data is important for any research, so keeping this in mind, data reliability for this particular research will be done so through the use of random sampling to validate the results that shall be sought.
3.7. Data Analysis
Data analysis will be done with tables and graphs to highlight and present all the research findings and insights that shall be sought out. It will be done so with the aid of the excel sheet where raw data will be compiled and evaluated.

1. Hill, J. & Lee, H., 2012, Young generation Y consumers’ perceptions of sustainability in the apparel industry Journal of Fashion Marketing & Management, Vol. 6 No. 4, pp. 477- 491. doi: 10.1108/13612021211265863
2. Kapner, S., 2008, Prada Goes Shopping – For Money, Fortune, Vol. 158, no. 3, September 1, pp. 30-38.
3. Kollmuss, A. & Agyeman, J., 2002, Mind the gap: Why do people act environmentally and what are the barriers to pro-environmental behavior?. Environmental Education Research, Vol. 8 No. 3, pp. 239-260.
4. Priest, A., 2005, Uniformity and Differentiation in Fashion, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, Vol: 17, No. 4, pp. 253 – 263.
5. Shaw, D., Shiu, E., Hassan, L., Bekin, C. & Hogg, G., 2007, Intending to be ethical: An examination of consumer choice in sweatshop avoidance, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 34 No. 2, pp. 31-38

6. Shen, B., Wang, Y., Lo, C.K.Y. & Shum, M., 2012, The impact of ethical fashion on consumer purchase behavior, Journal of Fashion Marketing & Management, Vol. 16 No. 2, pp. 234-245. doi: 10.1108/13612021211222842

7.Thompson, C. & Coskuner-Balli, G., 2007, Enchanting Ethical Consumerism: The Case of Community Supported Agriculture, Journal of Consumer Culture, Vol. 7 No. 3. pp. 275– 303.

“A lethal journey to Europe”

[infobox size=12 icon=none000 type=none width=100% bgcolor=#FEF6D2 bordercolor=#FFD300 color=#444444 size=12 border=full style=square ]About Author: Dr. Sir Shamsul Hassan Syed Azeemi (1st OEBKK, KGC) is the Rector of The UNIPASS. He is the author of two books about Criminology, National Security and International Terrorism. His areas of expertise are criminology, intelligence, counter terrorism, counter insurgency operations and national security.[/infobox]

“A lethal journey to Europe”

Dreaming is a healthy sign of life, but, to follow the fools to materialise  your dream is dangerous. Every year, thousands of people try to migrate to European Union in search of a better life. The illusion of living a comfortable life in European Union makes them travel through merciless mountains and stormy seas where they become a forgettable history. Only a few cases are known to the world. This article describes the issue of illegal immigration from LDCs to EU.